In oil drilling projects, high-quality drilling fluid is the premise for improving drilling speed, reducing drilling cost, preventing underground accidents and protecting oil and gas production. Meanwhile, the drilling fluid circulation system is the guarantee of providing high-quality drilling fluid. With the development in oil drilling industry, the depth of drilling is increasing. Extremely deep well, horizontal well, and underbalanced well are emerging one after another, so more advanced drilling fluid circulation system are needed.
In recent years, reforms in the drilling fluid circulation system have been steadily advancing. However, many defects still exist. A lot of endeavors are made to shed light on those defects in the structure of the drilling fluid circulation system and to propose improvements that meet the production needs and help achieve better economic benefits.

1500hp Drilling fluid circulation system in operation
The whole set of drilling fluid circulation system should be in line with the requirements in the 5-stage solids control equipment (sieving-degassing-desanding-desilting-centrifuging). The optimization of the drilling fluid circulation system is important, and the processing capacity of the equipment at Stage 1-5 should match each other. The particle sizes should be appropriately spaced and partially overlapped, so that the unprocessed small particles in the upper stage will continue to be treated in the following stage.

The components of the drilling fluid circulation system
So, what is the work process for drilling fluid circulation system?
The mud (mixed drilling solids and drilling fluid) returned from the well is transported to shale shakers through the pipeline. After being sieved, the drilling fluid enters the enters the desander and the desilter through the mud tank. In case of gas intrusion, a vacuum degasser can be installed before the desander. The degasser can suck gas from the fluid. After the desilter, the fluid is processed by the centrifuge and enters the drilling fluid bin. Finally, it is pumped into the well by the mud pump. At this time, the drilling fluid is recycled.
For more information, please visit the official website of Brightway Solids Control Co., Ltd. at