Decanter Centrifuge is the main R&D equipment for Brightway.After upgrading continuously,Brightway BWLWF serise Decanter Centrifuge has reached the advanced international level.Today,Brightway the new type Decanter Centrifuge was tested Successfully.

The Testing is divide into two parts: the no – load testing and load testing.Testing process includs debugging, start and stop operations.Main Testing Scope: Operation, temperature, vibration, temperature, speed, current and voltage.In collaboration with various departments,The testing is enforced strictly according Installation and Commissioning Procedures of SY5612 drilling fluid centrifuge.
Operation indicators have reached the standard of Decanter Centrifuge. over load conditions,Centrifuge Maximum Speed Up to 2500 RPM;Rotational Speed 2000 RPM;Small end Maximum vibration 2-3;Temperature is less than 45 degrees;Noise is less than 70 DB;Capacity:30-40 m³;
Adopting international advanced technology, Brightway Decanter Centrifuge can achieve the production process of input,centrifugal settling,unload. Wearing parts can be interchanged with international brands.