With the continuous development of science and technology, the research and development of solid-liquid separation technology and equipment are increasingly improved. Solid-liquid separation technology and equipment structure, separation effect, degree of automation, functional integration, product quality and reliability have developed rapidly, and are widely used in many fields. The principle of solid-liquid separation technology can be divided into three categories: sedimentation, filtration, and centrifugation. Its working principle is as follows:
Sedimentation solid-liquid separation technology and sedimentation solid-liquid separation equipment:
1 ) The sedimentation solid-liquid separation technology:
It relies on the action of external force to utilize the difference in density between the dispersed substance (solid-liquid) and the dispersion medium (liquid phase) to cause relative movement. According to the different force fields on the solid phase, sedimentation can be divided into gravity sedimentation and centrifugal sedimentation. Centrifugal sedimentation utilizes the difference in density between the solid and liquid phases to separate the solid phase material dispersed in the suspension in a centrifugal force field.
2 ) Sedimentation solid-liquid separation equipment:
Tubular centrifuge, disc centrifuge, high-speed freezing centrifuge.

Filtration solid-liquid separation technology and filtration solid-liquid separation equipment:
1 ) Filtration solid-liquid separation technology:
Under the effect of pressure difference, the fluid (gas or liquid) in the suspension penetrates the permeable medium (filter medium), and the solid particles are trapped by the medium, thereby realizing the process of separating the fluid and the solid. The gravity or artificial pressure difference is used to separate the suspension through a porous filter medium.
2 ) Filtration solid-liquid separation equipment:
Filter, plate and frame filter press, rotary vacuum filter, centrifuge.
Centrifugation solid-liquid separation technology and centrifugation solid-liquid separation equipment:
1 ) Centrigugation solid-liquid separation technology:
Centrifugation is the process of realizing solid-liquid separation by using the inertial centrifugal force provided by the device. Under the action of gravity generated by centrifugation, the sedimentation speed of particles is accelerated and sedimentation occurs.
2 ) Centrifugation solid-liquid separation equipment:
High-speed refrigerated centrifuge, disc centrifuge, tube centrifuge, tilt bridge centrifuge, blue centrifuge.
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