On November 14, Brightway one set BWZCQ300 vacuum degasser has sent to a drilling site. This vacuum degasser will be matching with drilling mud conrol system. According to the request of the customer, the BWZCQ300 vacuum degasser has been painted dark blue.

BWZCQ300 Vacuum Degasser
The accessories of vacuum degasser adopted the well-known brands at home and abroad. The capacity is up to 300m3/h. The degassing efficiency is 95% ~ 95%. we know that the excellent vacuum degasser has very important function: get rid of harmful gas in drilling fluid; recover the proportion of mud; stable viscosity properties of mud; reduce the drilling cost.
According to the different drilling depth and the customer requirment, Brightway can manufacture different capacity vacuum degasser, such as BWZCQ240 (240m3/h),BWZCQ270(270m3/h),BWZCQ360(360m3/h).
Know more about vacuum degasser information, please visit: http://www.solidscontrolsystem.com/product-item/vacuum-degasser/