In offshore drilling operations, reinjection method includes separating suitable drilling fluid from the generated waste, and pumping the solid-based drilling fluid into the formation at a pressure greater than the formation failure. This is the only treatment method. Regardless of whether it is on the sea or the seabed, it is generally not desirable to treat these waste liquids on the sea surface, because it is safer to reinject them into the ground.

Offshore oil drilling platform with solids control system
In offshore drilling operations, it is complicated to use reinjection method. The first problem is to build a channel to reach the ground. Drilling fluid can be pumped into the formation through tubing or casing using hoses, and the drilling fluid can be pumped into the annular space between the casing and the formation. No matter which method is used, the stratum that receives these wastes must be isolated from the sea and other stratums, especially the annular space for cementing. In many drilling operations, such channels do not exist. The previous annulus and surface were blocked, other boreholes could not be used, and potential pipelines would not exist.
If the reinjection method is used, the drilling fluid needs to be composed of liquid phase and drill cuttings. The liquid phase and waste are injected into the drilling fluid tank to prepare drilling fluid. These drilling fluid tanks use special drilling pumps to circulate to break the particles into natural grain sizes. If the drilling fluid is too thick and requires more fluid, you can add sea water to dilute it. If excessive water is collected from the waste fluid or the mixing is insufficient, the drilling fluid will be too thin. Generally, a vibrating screen is used to remove large particles or prevent them from entering the drilling fluid tank before the drilling fluid enters the drilling fluid tank. In addition, there is a screen in the suction line to protect the pump.
Brightway is a professional manufacturer of offshore drilling equipments, if you’re interested please feel free to contact us.