On May 25th, Brightway successfully delivered a 250GPM Mud Purification System for Horizontal Directional Drilling Rig for Taiwan customers, which is a HDD Mud Recycling System.

The mud purification system is composed of shale shaker, mud cleaner, centrifugal pump, jet mud mixer, mud agitator, tank and other equipments. The process is the original mud inputs the shale shaker. After the shale shaker is screened, the centrifugal pump supplies the desander hydrocyclone for treatment. The treated mud is supplied by the centrifugal pump to the desander hydrocyclone for treatment. The mud after the desander hydrocyclone treatment enters the slurry storage tank, which can be directly returned to the drilling rig for use.

In order to meet the HDD Mud Purification Technical requirements, our company has made a special field investigation and designed and produced a set of mud purification system to satisfy customers. Brightway can separate and purify the drilling cuttings with large particle size through solids control equipment such as core equipment shale shaker and cleaner, which plays an important role in the whole mud purification system.

The whole design of Brightway is a multi-functional integrated design, which not only meets the needs of mud cleaning, but also realizes mud recycling, mud configuration and storage and other functions. At the same time, the tank system designed by our company meets the requirements of construction site and space for HDD according to the requirements of customers.
With years of professional experience, Brightway can design and manufacture mud purification systems (mud circulating system and mud recycling system) with different treatment capacity and specifications according to the request of customers.
For more information about mud purification systems for Horizontal Directional Drilling Rig, please visit the page: http://www.solidscontrolsystem.com/product-item/mud-recycling-system/