There are many types of drilling mud gas separator for sale now. Drilling mud gas separators are mainly used to reduce the large bubbles in the gas-invasion drilling fluid with a diameter of about ≥φ3mm. These large bubbles refer to most of the expanding gas in the drilling fluid that fills a certain section of the wellbore annulus.

Brightway mud gas separator in operation
The prices of drilling mud gas separators may vary due to their processing capacity and functions. The larger the capacity and the more advanced functions, the price is higher. The main separation tank of some liquid-gas separators is made of high-quality materials, which can effectively prevent the corrosion of harmful gases such as hydrogen sulfide and ensure the normal production of humans and machines. Therefore, the price is also determined by the quality of the material it is made of. Moreover, as a special device for the primary degassing of gas-invasion drilling fluids, the efficiency is also a factor that can contribute to the price. If gas is not removed, it is easy to induce well gushing, or even blow out the surface of the drill pad.

Brightway mud gas separator in the machine shop
The work principle of any drilling mud gas separator for sale is the same. The gas invaded mud enters the separation tank from the mud inlet of the drilling fluid liquid-gas separator, collides and diverges by the separating umbrella, increases the exposed surface area, and the mud flows downwards, causing turbulent flow, so that the gas is fully separated from the mud. The free gas is discharged through the gas outlet on the top of the tank.
Currently, the most popular drilling mud gas separators for sale are products from Brightway, GN, Swaco, and so on. Brightway has been a professional manufacturer of mud gas separators for over a decade. If you have any questions regarding mud gas separators, please feel free to contact us by emailing to