In May 25, 2014, the Russian customer requirements, ZJ50DB drilling mud solids control system will be manufactured in our company.

   This solids control system include 2 sets BWZS70-3P drilling fluid shale shaker, 1 BWZCQ vacuum degasser, 1 BWLWF450 × 1250N drilling fluid decanter centrifuge, 1 BWJQB shear pump, 15 sets of BWJBQ15 mixer, 2 sets of BWSLH150-50 mixing device, 1 BWZYQ1200 liquid gas separator and 6 with mud tank, is a set ofconfiguration is complete, the standard ZJ50DB drilling mud solid control system.

4-shale shakers                                                                                                         shale shaker

This solids control system is not only in the configuration on the gas range, the environment requirement is relatively high, all equipments, mud tank and other products must meet the low temperature, we will have succeeded in carrying out an assignment, to give customers a set of production to meet the requirements of the Russian cold mud solid control system, to allow customers to use up smoothly.

                                                              BWLWF450×1250N Drilling Decanter Centrifuge